Saturday, October 6, 2012

Virginia's American Indians

Virginia had many Indian groups that lived here before the Europeans came. 
The tribes spoke different languages. 
Click on this link: Virginia's American Indian Information to learn more about Virginia's American Indians. After you explore the information comment about how you think the native Americans got to Virginia. 


  1. when I clicked on this I went to Powhatan and it told me a lot of information.

  2. I think that they used boats and the land bridge.I think that the first people came from Africa moved into Asia and then to North America.

  3. I want to learn more about Indians and I looked at some pictures of Indian houses they were cool:):):):):)!!!!!!

  4. I love to learn about Native Americanas. I love learning about the tribes, and what they ate, and what they do.


  5. I have been looking at the post for American Indians I love that post. It is my favorite post because it tells you about how the American Indians lived, and where they lived .It also shows pictures of American Indians and their houses. The pictures made me think about how it was to live back then, where you just couldn't go to the store and buy wood to make a house you had to use animal skin and mud to make to make stuff like that.I think it would be cool to see in real what it was like to live back to then!
