Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Natural Bridge and the Monacan Village

On Tuesday, Oct. 16 our class visited Natural Bridge, Virginia.  We saw the old bridge as well as visited the Monacan Indian Village and the Butterfly house.  It was a wonderful learning experience. Enjoy these pictures from our day! 


  1. Thank you for taking us on the field trip today. I like the indian village it was really cool to go there today, It was fun to go to the butterfly exhibit.

  2. Can you believe that the Monacans had to share one kitchen with the whole tribe!!!!!

  3. yes!Thank you Mrs.lane and Mrs.Sproule I had a really fun time.The butterfly exhibit was fun and all of the butterflies were pretty and the bridge was awesome.

  4. At the Monacan Indian village I learned interesting things. They used turtle shells for soup bowls. I also learned that the girls had to build all the wigwams. Not fair!
    I learned something about Natural Bridge, Thomas Jefferson loved to go there. That was fun.

    1. Its cool that Thomas Jefferson loved to go there

  5. It was really fun at Natural Bridge the
    butterfly garden amazed me the most but the
    bridge was really cool to

    1. I liked the butterfly garden the most to I am glad we can agree

  6. The field trip was really fun.I liked the butterfly exhibit the most.I also liked the Indian village too.I hope I could go there again.

  7. I liked going to the Monacan Indian village it was really fun i got to go inside a wigwam and we got to go into the butterfly exhibit.

  8. My favorite thing to see there was the butterfly exhibit.It amazed me when I saw all the different kinds of butterflies.

  9. MY mom likes the picturs a lot!

  10. It was really fun when my class went to the Naturel Bridge I hope I get to go thare again.

  11. My favorite thing about going to Natural Bridge is when we got to go over the Bridge and we got to see the cave too. but the funnies is when the butterfly landed om my teachers arm. I love Natural Bridge

  12. These are very pretty pictures of everyone and the butterflies.

  13. My favorite is when we took a class picture at the cave.

  14. Yeah! I liked Saltpeter cave too!
