Sunday, January 13, 2013

Marven of the Great North Woods

Our reading story this week is titled, "Marven of the Great North Woods". Marven worked for a lumbering camp. Click on the link Lumbering Camps to read the graphic novel to learning about lumbering. Read it carefully and learn all you can about this fascinating way of life.  
 In the corner of some pictures are scrolls that look like this:
When you see them, click on the little boxes for more information.

After reading everything- COMMENT with telling 3 things that you learned about lumbering. THEN tell if you would like to be a lumberjack or not and why or why not! 


  1. I learned that after the Lumberjacks were done chopping wood most animals were either forced to move or died. I also learned that that they mostly ate pork and beans. sometimes pork and beans were served three times a day. I would not want to be a Lumberjack because it would be so much work.

  2. I learned that it is hard to be a lumberjack, That they put logs down rivers and watch them float to the camp,and that they have to hold giant logs when they cut down the trees. Maybe, because the good thing is that it could make you stronger and not so good because there would be huge logs to carry.

  3. I learned more about what a bunkhouse is about and that lumberjacks did not take a bath,ewww.I would not want to be a lumberjack because the food looks gross and weird.

  4. When it was dinner time 120 men ate beans.They left camp before it was dark in the morning.The cookees brought.

  5. I learned that death on the river was a regular thing. They had fun on Saturday nights ,they
    danced. They stamped their logo on the logs to tell who's was who's. I would not want to be a lumberjack because you would get really cold.
