Monday, November 12, 2012

Food Chain Game

You are learning about food chains in Science.  Each living thing has a part in the food chain; some are producers, some are consumers... Complete the activity linked here: Food Chain Game.
Comment: List an animal or plant in the food chain and tell what it's job is in the food chain. 


  1. I learned that a rose is eaten by a caterpillar and a caterpillar is eaten by a bird.It is a very fun game!

  2. A mushrooms job is a decomposer. A decomposer's job is too break down dead animals or plants

  3. the leaf gives energy to the caterpillar and the caterpillar gives energy to the bird

  4. seaweed was one of the things in the game and it's job is to feed the fish. It is also producer.

  5. One of the plants are mushrooms and they decompose stuff like the bird.

  6. A seagull's job was to eat fish. A shark ate a turtle.

  7. bacteria's job is to brake down dead plant and animals

  8. I learned that a seagalls job is to eat so it can live.

  9. The hawk has to eat the snakes or there would be to many snakes. And after that the mushrooms would break them down.

  10. There was a Jelly fish on the game and it was secondary consumer.

  11. I learned that when animals die they are decomposed by other plants like mushrooms

  12. I learn that sharks eat trulers that is cool and thank you for the scies game I leaned a lot on the game.

  13. I learned that a lizards eats crickets and that eagles eat lizards. I like the one where it shows the shark eating the fish.

  14. the bird ate the fish and the bird is consumer

  15. I learned that if a fish dies the bacteria eats it!!!

  16. One of the things in the food chain game is plankton and its job is to eat algae and to provide food for the dolphin. another thing is the dolphin it controls the fish population and it provides food for the shark.Seaweed is a plant in the game and it provides food for the fish.I also learned that the rose provides food for the caterpillar and the caterpillar provides food for the bird. And that is how the food chain works.

  17. One of the things i liked most about the game was when it taught us how the decompose rs give nutrients to the plant

  18. a decomposer is a thing that breaks down dead plant and animal materiel.

  19. I also learned that the acorns provide food for the squirrels and the squirrels provide food for the snake.And the snake provides food for the hawk. Thanks Mrs.Lane and Ms.Doty.

  20. I also learned that the acorns provide food for the squirrels and the squirrels provide food for the snake.And the snake provides food for the hawk. Thanks Mrs.Lane and Ms.Doty.

  21. I learned how caterpillars,earth worms, provide birds to stay alive and people to stay alive
